

艺人重构Carnotourus基础 本研究描述的粗皮信用说明Jake Baardse


最奇异的食肉恐龙 由一对比利时和澳大利亚古生物学家

1984年著名阿根廷古生物学家José Bonaparte发现出奇化石,并命名动物卡诺陶鲁斯翻译为"食肉公牛" 指异形头骨大角


多位科学家研究化石皮肤,但没有人详细研究白文学博士圣米格尔LilloUndad EjecutoraLi

Hendrickx与Phil Bell博士合作,PhilBell博士是澳大利亚新英格兰大学恐龙皮肤专家,他指出大块块和小块块卡诺陶鲁斯令人回想起澳洲外背发现的棘手魔鬼蜥蜴

不同于最近发现的羽毛恐龙, 特别是中国8米长卡诺陶鲁斯完全盲目 无羽毛证据科学家假设称尺度对调节动物体温很重要,像现代爬行动物那样。


引用: 'abelisaurid浅皮卡诺托鲁斯sastrei由Christophe Hendrckx和Phil R编辑贝尔2021年8月13日白板研究.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104994

4注释上传算法重构 奇型食肉龙

  1. 奇恐龙牛角.恐龙尼罗鳄鱼小角不全尼罗鳄鱼角Siames鳄鱼大角我从未见过.

  2. They are claiming carnotaurus did not have crocodile back this mite be impossible since dinosaur is a land gator today land gator are heavily armor some have osteoderm on the belly what is rare in thecodont osteoderm on the arm were you find that on tetanuran compsognathus fossil land mesoeucrocodylia sauropod .since gator is a tetanuran the 3 finger dinosaur all predator dinosaur back look like a crocodile compsognathus arm osteoderm prove that .allso carnotaurus is closely related to ceratosaurus they have skin fossil of ceratosaurus and osteoderm fossil is near the backbone neural spine above like the gator .carnotaurus and ceratosaurus share unique features but they are not tetanuran they are early dinosaur .clearly osteoderm rows of line osteoderm find in gator the once carnotaurus that fossilize are not rows of line and are not osteoderm some gator skin is like that but gator does not have a wing like the crocodile bird pterosaur .crocodile batman arm skin looks like osteoderm there is no bone it is just skin like bird wing without the feather .clearly they did not read ceratosaurus on Wikipedia.And reason why all dinosaur back look like crocodile it's a good system mite be better than mammal they get more energy more warm blooded they fight disease better they can eat killer plants that why they are giant in dinosaur some very small like catcroc and different shape the draw back they are heavy bad aero but dinosaur need it to balance mammal they are different warm blooded animal like birds that have a different system .extreme aquatic dinosaur they is no osteoderm at all they have smooth skin in away it's tougher on land .early stegosaurus back look more crocodilian with smaller osteoderm dinosaur flow trough lungs and osteoderm make them champ that why gator is king of the dinosaur it can battle any mammal.modern crocodilian is won of most dangerous animal alive real truth should be told more by there advance feature clearly why most dinosaur are not around any more .allso dinosaur is one group that why plant eating bird hip dinosaur back look like a gator .bird hip dinosaur predator dinosaur came from the same ancestor that why all are name dinosaur.spinosauridae is the champ that Iive on tyrannosaur live.

  3. 卡诺陶鲁斯| 9月16日2021年5时57分| 回文


  4. 因完全缺标码,我无法直接阅读这些评论似乎像智能的东西 直到我意识到整段 是一个巨大的转接句

